Dumb Things We All Somehow Ignored In Captain Marvel

Earlier this year, Marvel finally produced their first female-led superhero movie with Captain Marvel. And the good news is that it was pretty awesome. Unfortunately, however, it’s not quite flawless — and there are a few aspects of the movie that are bound to provoke a little head-scratching. Here are some of the dumbest parts of Captain Marvel.

The first Thor movie makes a point of explaining Arthur Clarke’s Third Law: that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

The Kree fall right in line with that rule. As a futuristic space-race, the Kree have all kinds of magical technology at their disposal, most of which is beyond anything Earth’s soldiers could ever dream of using. But the one thing they don’t seem to have down is a reliable walkie-talkie system. During the opening mission, a whole lot of Skrull ambushing goes down when Carol’s team can’t get their darned cell phones to work.

And yeah, it’s not like Earth had the best wireless coverage in 1995 either. But it does seem like comms are something you should prioritize if you’re going to a world crawling with shapeshifters — and you still insist on splitting up.

Watch the video for more Dumb Things We All Somehow Ignored In Captain Marvel!

#CaptainMarvel #MCU

Wonkie-talkies | 0:17
Spare me | 1:09
Light speed | 1:54
Locomotives | 2:55
Work in progress | 3:48
Boom | 4:44
Case Clothed | 5:51
Agent of C.R.I.N.G.E. | 6:45
Space 911 | 7:46
Greatest hits | 8:42