Captain Marvel – Yon-Rogg

Jude Law is the latest actor to join Marvel’s MCU and while many assumed he would be playing the original Captain Marvel (Walter Lawson/Mar-Vell), interviews and ambiguous marketing for the film pointed to him actually portraying Yon-Rogg. Yon-Rogg is the leader of a Kree military team and Carol Danvers’ mentor. He takes her under his wing and trains her as a powerful fighting machine. Harsh and unwavering in his beliefs, he does what it takes to make Carol into a fierce member of his Starforce team.

When Yon-Rogg is first introduced in the comics, he’s a high-ranking member of the Kree military sent to Earth because the planet’s seemingly primitive inhabitants managed to destroy an advanced Kree Sentry. Yon-Rogg was there on behalf of the Supreme Intelligence, a hyper-advanced Kree AI designed to promote Kree genetic superiority across the galaxy. But his deep-seated, soap opera flavored jealousy of Mar-Vell, who was stationed on Earth at the time, drove him into a zealous frenzy.

Yon-Rogg later became the commander of the Helion ship and commanded it along with Zen-Pram, the acting commander after the death of his mentor. He and his crew were assigned to infiltrate Earth and study its people. He was also tasked with finding and terminating renegade Kree officer Mar-Vell, who was working undercover to help Skrull refugees escape their homeland. Yon-Rogg was jealous of Mar-Vell’s love for the doctor he had recruited to help his mission.

Yon-Rogg ultimately found Mar-Vell and killed her. He was later reprimanded by the Supreme Intelligence for his actions.