Captain Marvel Movie Review – Monica Rambeau

Monica Rambeau was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. Her mom Maria was Air Force pilot and best friend of Carol Danvers, whom she thinks of as one of the family. Even when her “Auntie Carol” apparently died in a plane crash, Monica refused to believe that she was dead and held onto the hope that she would return someday. This wish was granted in 1995 when she saw Carol return to Earth, accompanied by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Nick Fury and a few shape-shifting Skrulls. Monica quickly got her own powers thanks to the unstable molecules in her Auntie’s uniform and jumped right into the action with the two new comrades, claiming the moniker Captain Marvel from a newspaper article quoting some of the survivors (all that took place in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #16).

Monica quit her job as a Harbor Patrol lieutenant and set up a charter boat business with her dad Frank, focusing on using her superpowers for good. She became an ally of the Avengers, joining with Kamala Khan and Carol Danvers in trying to stop Kree Accuser Dar-Benn from destroying the Multiverse with the power of his Quantum Bands. This led to her powers being entangled with those of Danvers and Khan, causing them to swap forms every time they used their powers together. Monica also fought the sorceress Morgan le Fay, Kang the Conqueror and the inter-dimensional aliens of the Wrecking Crew, as well as being an active member of Nextwave until it was revealed that her time with the team was partially fabricated by Cortex Incorporated and their CEO Jason Quantrell.