Captain Marvel Flerken

captain marvel flerken

What makes captain marvel flerken special is that it isn’t just any old cat. In fact, it’s not even a cat at all but a deadly and secretly tentacled alien called a Flerken. It’s a species that first appeared in the comic book world in Giant-Size Ms. Marvel #1 in 2006, but was only fully revealed in the movie version of the character, starring Brie Larson.

The comics have a clearer picture of the Flerken, which externally resemble cats but can actually house pocket dimensions inside their bodies. They’re intelligent and can also organize and run societies, which is why they were able to take over Earth in the comics event House of M. During this event, one of the Flerken, named Chewie, was taken into Carol Danvers’ possession as her pet. Rocket Raccoon warns her to put the cat down before it lays its eggs, but she dismisses his admonitions as “the rantings of a space-lunatic.”

Chewie later becomes the cat companion of Captain Marvel and plays a significant role in the film’s plot. She frightens both the Kree and the Skrull, who assume she’s a cat, but are proven wrong towards the end of the movie when she devours whole teams of Skrull and Kree in an instant and holds onto the Tesseract in its mouth.

The movie’s sequel, Avengers: Endgame, is set to introduce fans to more Flerken (and more of Goose). In the meantime, here are some things you need to know about the furry alien from the comics and movies.