Captain Marvel Blu-Ray Review

Marvel’s first female super hero flies into the mainstream and delivers an entertaining, visually striking film for fans. Directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, the film is a fun addition to the MCU canon, especially for those who are newer to the franchise, while still being an enjoyable outing for the series veterans as well.

This Disney release offers a rock solid 4K UHD performance through its video and audio quality. The film’s 2160p/HDR UHD image provides a substantial upgrade over its 1080p counterpart on Blu-ray with sharper detail and bolder, deeper color hues. Even in scenes with heavy dark lighting, HDR support ensures that they still remain impressively well-lit and never look too washed out or dim.

The lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 soundtrack is also impressive and is able to envelop the viewer in a full, spacious sound field when necessary. The music is often evocative, reminiscent of popular songs from the 1990s, while sound effects like spaceships flying through the universe or gun shots ring out with great clarity and precision.

The extras on this set include a number of featurettes that explore the making of the movie. These include a look at Brie Larson’s transformative journey as Captain Marvel and the impact that her character has on audiences around the world; the influence of Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) on significant events in the MCU; and why Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck were the perfect pair to direct this movie. The package also includes six deleted scenes, director commentary, and a gag reel loaded with funnies, flubs and Flerkens as well as concept art and production photography.