Why Does Carol Danvers Get a Bad Captain Marvel Endgame Haircut?

Whether you love her or hate her, there’s no denying that Carol Danvers is a force to be reckoned with. Her power is unmatched in the MCU and it took more than just Thanos wielding the Power Stone to bring her down. However, there’s one part of her character that fans have been debating. Specifically, why did Captain Marvel get such a terrible haircut in Endgame?

Changing a character’s look is an established trope in movies. Aside from a more obvious change in facial hair (Steve Rogers gets grayer between his first scene and the end) or the color of their skin (Carol’s honeyed skin is an improvement over her ashy blond in the previous movies), a subtle change in something like a hairstyle can indicate that time has passed.

While some people are speculating that the directors of the movie, Joe and Anthony Russo, wanted to give Carol Danvers a shorter, more edgy look in order to make her look tougher, it could be much simpler than that. The short haircut actually pays homage to the comic book version of the character. In the comics, writer Kelly Sue DeConnick has given Carol a variety of shorter styles over the years.

Regardless of the reason behind it, the new look has received mostly positive reactions from fans online. While it may seem minor, it’s a small touch that helps establish the MCU’s most powerful woman as a badass. It also helps show that she’s no slouch when it comes to her own personal style.