Does the Captain Marvel Height Modifier Work?

What if the Captain Marvel Height Modification System actually worked? This concept was actually brought to my attention by a buddy of mine who is an avid reader. He saw the Captain America film and was quite impressed with Cap’s height, and also thought that Cap could have lost some of his height through age. Does Cap’s height truly stand the test of time or is this just one of those urban legends? Well, let me answer that question for you: No! Captain Marvel is still as tall as he always was!

captain marvel height

Now what exactly did this mean? Well in the original Captain Marvel comic book, he says that he’s about 6′ 4″, so if you were to use the Captain Marvel Height Modifier system on the characters in the future, they would indeed end up being about 6′ 4″ as well. Now that’s pretty drastic, and it’s very possible that Cap could lose some of his height if he were to undergo surgery or simply live his life in an altered reality for a few decades. So while no one knows if it’s true, I do know that Captain Marvel does have the ability to grow taller.

There are several stories in which Cap is said to have gained some height after becoming an member, but in truth he was simply talking to himself in his mind during a battle. However, during the climax of the avenger’s series, where he goes into a final showdown with thor, Cap is said to be six feet tall. Though it is impossible to verify whether this is true or not, it is very possible that the Captain Marvel that appeared in the avengers series is, in actuality, Captain America. This would make sense since there is no way that Cap could have gotten any taller after leaving the Avengers, unless he had somehow gained height through an unknown device.