Captain Marvel Will Probably Fight An Avenger In Endgame

Will Captain Marvel Fight the Avengers Before Joining Them?

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There’s an unwritten rule in the world of superheroes that states before the team up can happen, the match up must happen. Every good superhero team up has begun with a dust up, whether it’s from mistaken identity, being at the wrong place at the wrong time or just good old fashion ego, there’s no professional courtesy until you trade blows.

With Captain Marvel set to join Marvel Cinematic Universe in March with her first movie and the fight against the snap a month later in Avengers: Endgame, the MCU’s newest and most powerful character will join Earth’s Mightiest Hero. With Nick Fury dusted in the snap, there’s no one to introduce her, so we’re more than likely looking at a showdown with at least one Avenger, the question is just who and how does it end up happening. Let’s take a look at some of the possible match ups and how they might happen, and don’t forget to subscribe to CBR for more MCU videos.


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