Captain Marvel – Talos the Untamed

Captain Marvel focuses on Carol Danvers as she attempts to navigate her role in the resurgence of the Skrulls. In the process, she learns of a rogue group of shapeshifters that has infiltrated Earth, and the film gives us an opportunity to explore more of Talos’ partnership with Nick Fury from before Secret Invasion.

Despite his fearsome appearance, Talos has been one of the most honorable leaders in the Skrull military. He was born with a rare genetic lottery that left him without the ability to shapeshift, but he managed to become a fierce warrior nonetheless. He earned the title “Talos the Untamed” and became a leader of the Skrull warriors.

He is a leader of the Skrull Empire who will do whatever it takes to protect his people and their families. He is also a skilled intergalactic spy who can use the force of the Tesseract to control his enemies’ minds.

The Skrulls have been at war with the Kree for many centuries. It has been a bitter rivalry that has resulted in many battles and deaths, but Talos remains loyal to his people and their cause.

A renegade scientist named Mar-Vell sheltered Talos and his family in the early days of their conflict with the Kree, helping them escape to Earth. She also helped design a Tesseract-powered engine that would have allowed the Skrulls to settle beyond the reach of the Kree.

Talos’ espionage skills earned him a reputation as the most cunning Skrull, so it’s no surprise that he’s been featured in several comics titles over the years. He was introduced in 1994’s Incredible Hulk #418, but he slowly faded out of mainstream comics and made only occasional cameos in later stories until finally regaining some prominence in the Howard the Duck series from 2015.