Captain Marvel, Superman and Comic Book Characters

Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel, Superman and Comic Book Characters

After the success of the first Captain Marvel movie, Paramount was looking for a way to get their new version of the character off the ground. The Captain was not only popular with female viewers but also with men. This meant that the powers of the character were something that a lot of men could relate to. That is why Captain Marvel was given a live action appearance in the sequel “Powerless”.

As a kid, I was a big fan of comic books and I grew up loving the various comic book heroes that my friends and I all fell in love with. One of the greats was Superman. Superman is not only my favorite superhero but one of my favorite comic book characters in general. Superman was one of the first modern comic book characters to appear in action. And he has been around for a very long time.

There are a lot of ways that you can enjoy Captain Marvel, Superman and the various comic book characters out there. If you haven’t already started on your comic book collection, then it’s high time that you start your collection today. It doesn’t matter whether you are collecting a Superman or Captain Marvel character. All of them are great collectors’ items. There are some great comics out there that are sure to keep you busy for a very long time.