Captain Marvel Super Heroes

captain marvel monica rambeau

Captain Marvel Super Heroes

The Captain Marvel Super Heroes film is directed by Kevin Feige and promises to be the start of a great franchise. There are a lot of rumors swirling around about who will be starring in the next Captain Marvel movie, but until we get a release date from the studio it is just impossible to give any sort of confirmation on that matter. However, after a look at the trailers and some early clips we do get a very good idea of what to expect from the new movie, and luckily the story seems to be holding together quite well so far.

In the end, Dr. Bruce Banner turns out to be the true secret to Captain Marvel’s powers, after he was injected with Gamma radiation. He has a unique Gamma radiation suit that gives him the ability to turn himself into a superhero, called the Captain Marvel. Bruce’s friend Bucky is the one who helps him put on the suit, and they go on a quest to seek out their enemies. It is here where the storyline gets most interesting, because now we have two superheros battling it out for supremacy.

Feige has mentioned before that it is still early days before we actually see any of the actual characters in the movie, but we already have a pretty good idea of the story and how it all fits together. We are also getting hints at some of the movie’s key locations and this may mean we will get a better look at the villains first. Either way, I am looking forward to seeing where this story takes us, and I hope it doesn’t stray too far from the original comics.