Captain Marvel Rogue

captain marvel rogue

Captain Marvel Rogue is a character in the Marvel Comics universe. She is a young mutant who possesses superhuman strength. Rogue has a personal grudge against the Red Skull, and leads a hunt for him. In the comics, she is often depicted as a bad girl.

Rogue is a mutant with superhuman strength, but her true power is her rage. She was raised by Mystique, who raised her with uncontrollable dark powers. She studied production in Barcelona and traveled through South-East Asia. She graduated with a BFA in Production and minored in the University of Boulder.

Captain Marvel and Rogue have a long history together. Both are cosmically powered, and both have long been friends with aliens. They have also had many escapades together in comics. Rogue grew up with Mystique and was inducted into the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, but later absorbed Captain Marvel’s Kree powers and joined Xavier’s X-Men.

Rogue and Carol have a complicated relationship, and Carol knows Rogue better than anyone else. They’ve dated and had kids together, but their relationship has always been strained. Carol’s condition has made things more complicated, and she doesn’t trust Rogue. However, this hasn’t prevented Carol from becoming her mentor in the comics.

In the comics, Rogue possesses the ability to absorb other people’s powers and memories. She can absorb other people’s strength, physical talents, and personality traits. Rogue struggled with controlling her powers for most of her career. Her inability to regulate her powers was mostly psychological. However, after a brief stint with Charles Xavier, she was able to absorb others’ abilities without harming them.