Captain Marvel Powers and Abilities Explained

captain marvel powers

Captain Marvel Powers and Abilities Explained

Perhaps one of the best known comic book superheroes of all time, Captain Marvel (also known as Carol Danvers) was a beloved member of the Marvel comic universe for decades. Born as Kree warrior nominee called Nova Terra, she was discovered by humans who accidentally fell into an energy barrier surrounding planet Saturn. While her home planet had been devastated, she was spared from Earth’s destruction by the X-Men. Capable of wielding incredible strength and agility, she also has incredible speed, endurance, and durability, which allow her to easily get around her enemies while still moving at top speed. These and other amazing abilities have made her one of the top characters in both the Marvel comic universe and the DC Extended Universe, making her one of the most iconic superheroes of all time.

In the film, we get to see some of the classic traits associated with the comic book personality. While fighting Magneto in the future, she uses a pair of biotech gloves that give her the power to lobotomize a person with a touch, and in doing so, simultaneously disables their brain. This causes them to go into a zombie like state, but this doesn’t stop Carol from taking on Magneto’s arch enemy and using her advanced energy absorbent abilities to help her fight him. She also utilizes her wrist band energy technique that allows her to absorb energy and project it at high speeds, allowing her to quickly attack and defend herself.

Although her weaponry are handheld energy absorbent discs, the most amazing thing about her arsenal is that she has a full complement of weapons as well. She can use her energy blasts to heat up metal and turn it into a deadly force, as well as using her wrist band to project powerful wrist-pistol-like wrist bolts that will literally disintegrate anything they hit. Additionally, Carol possesses a heavy duty bat-like arm that she can wield with great ease, as well as an ionic blast that cause objects to vibrate. Lastly, she also uses an energy whip that she can fire at her enemies from a distance, although it appears as if it’s floating in midair. It can slice through objects, but unfortunately, it can’t hurt them. All of Carol’s fighting techniques, including her bat-like arm and ionic whip, appear to have been inspired by her mutant power to rapidly change molecular structures at the cellular level, much like her friend Cyclops.