Captain Marvel Parents Guide

Parents: May contain commissioned links

The long-awaited Captain Marvel movie debuted this week, the first of the MCU to feature a female superhero. This movie about the half-human, half-alien Carol Danvers is an action-packed spectacle that’s sure to delight all ages, including kids. But is it safe for kids?

Our captain marvel parents guide will help you decide whether this space adventure film is right for your family. It’s rated PG-13 for sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and brief suggestive language. But it isn’t as violent as some people might expect for a movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It features some sci-fi action and battles, as well as the death of an alien. But no nude mannequins appear, and there’s no drinking or drug use. There is talk of war and the potential for genocide, but it’s not graphic or overly gruesome. There is some swearing, but it’s mostly not heard in a way that might bother most younger viewers.

It is the first movie in the MCU to feature a female lead, and Brie Larson does a terrific job. Her strong performance will encourage young girls to believe they can accomplish anything. This movie also highlights the importance of diversity and inclusion, with characters like Maria Rambeau, Minn-Erva, and Carol Danvers who are racially diverse. It also explores themes of positive role models and empowerment, with Carol taking on activities traditionally dominated by men, such as flying planes and fighting villains.