Captain Marvel – Is Brie Larson Just a Girl?

captain marvel just a girl

When Marvel fans finally got to see their first female star lead a movie in the MCU, they cheered with glee. Captain Marvel is a fairly paint-by-the-numbers superhero flick, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth watching. It is a movie about a woman finding her power, reclaiming her history and bringing in enough money at the box office to prove that women-led films can succeed.

Brie Larson is fantastic as Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel. She makes you believe that she’s the strongest hero of all time. The film is fast paced and has all the elements that you expect from a Marvel movie. Samuel L Jackson and Jude Law are also excellent in their roles.

The movie is a great story about the power of a girl and how she fights for the rights of others. It’s a movie everyone should watch.

This movie is a very good example of how a superhero movie should be made. It’s full of suspense and action, the characters are well-written and the special effects are amazing. It’s definitely worth the money to go and see it.

While there is a definite compulsion to create female heroes that possess traditionally masculine traits, Larson is able to break free from this and show us that her character is just as powerful as any male hero in the MCU. She is also the first main character in a superhero movie that does not present any love story, proving that women do not need a romance to save the world.