The latest entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain Marvel is an entertaining and engrossing superhero movie that introduces us to a new hero with an emotional backstory. Brie Larson pushes past her haters to give a spirited and powerful performance. The film has plenty of thrills, laughs and a fun sense of style. The de-aging CGI is especially impressive, even if I wish the filmmakers hadn’t gone so far with it in some scenes. The film also pays a touching tribute to Stan Lee who passed away while the movie was being edited.
While the film doesn’t quite reach the heights of previous MCU movies, it is still a lot of fun. Its story is a bit predictable but there are some genuinely surprising twists and strong action. It also manages to juggle a lot of different characters and subplots while keeping all the pieces in place.
A lot of the action is reminiscent of Guardians of the Galaxy but with less charisma and more straight-up superheroics. It’s a little too formulaic at times and it could have used more of Larson’s natural wit and style but it’s still a good way to spend an afternoon in the theater.
I was worried that the movie would veer off into a slog but it kept up a solid pace throughout. There’s a solid mix of old and new characters including some great supporting turns from Maria (Lashana Lynch) and Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson). And the director Anna Boden and co-writers have included enough female-driven ’90s music to make it feel fresh and authentic.